the Hive Taipei

Meet the Crafters | 遇見手作家市集

The Hive Taipei 即將舉行今年第二場遇見手作家市集囉~


The Hive Taipei is thrilled to invite you to join our Meet the Crafters event!
We will be inviting all kinds of vendors to show you their awesome and creative works.

Ranging from homemade food to handmade jewelry, to embroidered and knitted products, don’t miss the chance to come check them out!

🎟️ RSVP here:
📅 Date: August 13th, 2022 (Sat)
🕒 Time: 2:00pm – 7:00pm
📍 Where: the Hive Taipei
💵 Fee: Free

📣 Crafter List:

1. 晶晶傾心 jing adore @jing.adore
2. Sweettttooth @sweettttooth
3. Reyoung Studio @3.__re1
4. EVA & room1111 @eva_wu_tw
5. 羊毛夫人日常 羊毛氈 @wool_madam_daily
6. Cosmos Store @cosmosweekend
7. 蛋黃啦 @egglovesyou
8. 土土產房 @jia_ceramic
9. 妮可泡芙
10. ルーム 居室 @rumuruum
11. Rea’s Shop @ray_of_2000
12. Gin. Poem. Rosemary @Gin. Poem. Rosemary
13. 扶桑花女孩 @hibiscusforgirl
14. 靈食 @soulfoodtw
15. 我們好窮 @weresobroke
16. THRIVE 繁生
17. 唐安杰羅 @t.mike._
18. Indigo Studio

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