the Hive Taipei

新創企業不踩雷:你需要知道的勞動法令 Taiwan Employment Law in a Nutshell



Hey entrepreneurs! Does it ever cross your mind that your startups may encounter some employment legal problems? Be careful! There could be some critical legal issues that may occur when hiring talents that could cost a fortune.

Peter Lin,  our lawyer from Xirilaw will give you an introduction to the critical legal issues in employment relationships, from recruitment to separation. This workshop will enable you to communicate better with your HR, employees, lawyers and even investors!

📅 Date: Wednesday, July 27th, 2022
⏰ Time: 7:30pm – 9:00pm (GMT +8)
🗣 Language: Chinese Mandarin, 中文
📍 Location: the Hive Taipei
💵 Admission: Free for Hivers | Non-Members $100

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